NCEP Dashboard

Welcome to the National Care Experience Programme online dashboard.


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What is the National Care Experience Programme online dashboard?

This is an online resource for health and social care service providers that participate in our surveys to view their survey results.

How do I access the dashboard?

Nominated staff working with participating service providers have access to the online dashboard. To find out who in your organisation is responsible for providing access, please contact

What is available on the dashboard?

Nominated staff working with participating service providers can view their survey results and read comments from people who have used their service and have taken part in the survey.

This information can be used to identify areas that are working well and areas that may require improvement. For example, staff can use the information to reproduce good practice in the service, or develop quality improvement plans for areas of care that require improvement.

How do I log in to the dashboard?

If you are a nominated National Care Experience Programme dashboard user, please click the button above to login. For more information or technical queries, please contact