Resources and guidance for hospitals

On this page you can download guides and promotional material for the survey. If you have any questions, please contact

Promoting the survey

To use digital versions of the materials, or print out additional posters, please click the links below. Material for display should be printed out in colour and laminated.


Poster 2024 (PDF)

FAQs for participants (PDF)

FAQs for participants (Gaeilge)(PDF)

FAQs for hospital staff (PDF)


Managing the contact dataset

You can view how to compile and securely upload the contact datasets in the below process guide. This document also provides guidance on data quality and the management of opt-out requests.

Process guide (PDF)

FAQs for hospital staff

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What is the National Inpatient Experience Survey?

The National Inpatient Experience Survey is a nationwide survey asking patients about their recent experience in hospital. The survey is a partnership between the Department of Health, the Health Service Executive (HSE) and the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA).

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Who will be asked to complete the National Inpatient Experience Survey?

All patients aged 16 and over, discharged in May, who spend 24 hours or more in a public acute hospital and have a postal address in the Republic of Ireland will be asked to complete the survey. Day cases, maternity, psychiatric, paediatric and other specialist services are not included in this survey.

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What are the benefits of the National Inpatient Experience Survey for me and my hospital?

Research consistently shows that patient experience surveys help to identify best practice and areas for improvement to patient care. Studies have shown that improvements to patient experience can bring about higher staff satisfaction and better patient safety and wellbeing.

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What is the role of hospital staff in the National Inpatient Experience Survey?

Hospital staff can play a key role in creating awareness of the survey and encouraging patients to participate in the survey. The more people that take part, the more confident we can be that the results depict the full range of patient experiences.

Patients may have questions about the survey, and we would appreciate if you could support them with these questions, where possible. Of course, you may not have answers to all of their questions. You can refer patients to the National Inpatient Experience Survey promotional material, to the National Care Experience Programme website (, to the Freephone number (1800 314 093) or to the dedicated email address (

A member of staff in your hospital has been appointed as the key contact for the National Inpatient Experience Survey and will provide you and your colleagues with information about how the survey will be promoted in your hospital.

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What if a patient wants more information or doesn’t want to take part in the survey?

If a patient asks for more information, please refer them to the Freephone number 1800 314 093 or

If a patient tells you that they do not want to take part, please contact the key contact person in your hospital who will process the opt-out request.

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Where can I find out more about the National Inpatient Experience Survey?

You can contact the key contact person for your hospital, visit or email the National Inpatient Experience Survey team at