The National Inpatient Experience Survey is a nationwide survey asking patients about their recent experiences in hospital. The survey aims to learn from patients’ feedback in order to improve hospital care.
The results of the 2024 survey are now available to view.
All 40 public hospitals from six HSE health regions participate in the National Inpatient Experience Survey. Click below to find out more.
The National Inpatient Experience Survey contains 52 questions, which have been determined following a rigorous selection process. Click below to learn more about what is involved in conducting the survey and to view the questionnaire.
Read our frequently asked questions or contact the survey team.
The timeline below describes the four most important phases in the National Inpatient Experience Survey cycle.
All patients aged 16 years or older, who spend 24 hours or more in a public hospital and are discharged during the survey period are invited to participate.
The results are then analysed and the reports are prepared for publication.
The HSE and individual hospitals respond to the survey results by developing hospital initiatives.
All patients aged 16 years or older, who spend 24 hours or more in a public hospital and are discharged during the survey period are invited to participate.
The results are then analysed and the reports are prepared for publication.
The HSE and individual hospitals respond to the survey results by developing hospital initiatives.
A research team based in NUIG conducted further research on the qualitative responses to the 2017 and 2018 surveys. A full report and a short summary document, describing the findings, are available below.
Report on Secondary Analysis of 2017 and 2018 Qualitative Survey Responses
Secondary analysis of qualitative responses: Brief summary of findings